'3D Brachiopoda' – an interactive PDF
Explore the variability of shells and skeletons from recent brachiopods through micro-computed tomography based interactive, rotational models of 19 different species and genera. Additionally, get information about the species and watch short movies of the computed tomography scans online (download link below). This work was an add on to my Master Thesis and is also published in Seidel & Lüter 2014 (Seidel & Lüter 2014. Overcoming the fragility – X-ray computed micro-tomography elucidates brachiopod endoskeletons. Frontiers in Zoology 09/2014; 11(65):1-15).
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(File size: 160 MB, requires Desktop/Notebook with Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Reader Pro. Internal links to movies may be broken due to a hacker attack on the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany, in 2023.)