Journal publications
M Albéric and R Seidel
(2024). Biomineralization in Sea Urchin Spines: A View on Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Occurrence, Stabilization and Crystallization. Synchrotron Radiation, Cultural Heritage, Biomineralization (2024): 233-261.
J Kühl, SM Krümpelmann, L Hildebrandt, M Bruhn, Jan-B Hövener, R Seidel, S Gorb, F Schütt, R Adelung, A Seekamp, L Siebert, S Fuchs (2024). Nanomaterial-modified bioinks for DLP-based bioprinting of bone constructs: Impact on mechanical properties and mesenchymal stem cell function.
International Journal of Bioprinting 10.6 (2024): 4015.
CJ Hansen, J Conrad,
R Seidel, N Krekiehn, N Koser, M Götze, T Gehrmann, S Lauterbach, C Graetz, CDörfer & Claus C. Glüer (2024). Automated Tooth Instance Segmentation and Pathology Annotation Pipeline for Panoramic Radiographs: Mask-R-CNN Approach with Elastic Transformations.
Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, BVM Workshop. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2024.
E Hijaze, T Gildor, R Seidel, M Layous, M Winter, L Bertinetti, Y Politi, S Ben-Tabou de-Leon (2024). ROCK and the actomyosin network control biomineral growth and morphology during sea urchin skeletogenesis. eLife 12:RP89080.
MN Dean, J Chaumel and R Seidel
(2022). To build a fish – Structuring space and material in skeletons. In: Design, Gestaltung, Formatività: Philosophies of making. Birkhäuser, 2022. 315-328.
R Seidel, M Blumer, J Chaumel, S Amini, MN Dean (2020). Endoskeletal mineralization in chimaera and a comparative guide to tessellated cartilage in chondrichthyan fishes (sharks, rays and chimaera). Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17(171), 20200474.
S Amini, H Razi, R Seidel, D Werner, WT White, JC Weaver, MN Dean, P Fratzl (2020). Shape-preserving erosion controlled by the graded microarchitecture of shark tooth enameloid.
Nature Communications (2020) 11, 5971, 1-11.
R Seidel,
AK Jayasankar & MN Dean (2020). The multiscale architecture of tessellated cartilage and its relation to function. Journal of Fish Biology, 2020, 1-14.
S Gòˆrlich, AJ Samuela, RJ Best, R Seidel, Jean Vacelet, Filip Karol Leonarski, Takashi Tomizaki, Bernd Rellinghaus, Darius Pohl, Igor Zlotnikov (2020). Natural hybrid silica/protein superstructure at atomic resolution. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nov 2020, 202019140, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2019140117.
Jayasankar AK, R Seidel, A Hosny, JC Weaver, P Fratzl, J Chen & MN Dean (2020). Multi-scale modeling and mechanical performance characterization of stingray skeleton-inspired tessellations. Journal of the Mechanics & Physics of Solids. 138: 103906.
R Seidel, A Roschger, L Li, Q Zhang, J Yin, T Yang, JC Weaver, P Fratzl, P Roschger, MN Dean (2019). Mechanical properties of stingray tesserae: High-resolution correlative analysis of mineral density and indentation moduli in tessellated cartilage.
– Acta Biomaterialia, 96, 421-435.
R Seidel, AK Jayasankar, R Shahar & MN Dean (2019). The Multiscale Architectures of Fish Bone and Tessellated Cartilage and Their Relation to Function. In Architectured Materials in Nature and Engineering (pp. 329-353). Springer, Cham.
R Seidel
and M Blumer, E-J Pechriggl, K Lyons, B Hall, P Fratzl, J Weaver, MN Dean (2017). Calcified cartilage or bone? Collagens in the tessellated endoskeletons of cartilaginous fish (sharks and rays). Journal of Structural Biology, 200 (2107): 54-71.
D Knötel, R Seidel, S Prohaska, MN Dean, D Baum (2017). Automated Segmentation of Complex Patterns in Biological Tissues: Lessons from Stingray Tesselated Cartilage. PLOS ONE 12 (12): e0188018.
AK Jayasankar, R Seidel, J Naumann, L Guiducci, A Hosny, P Fratzl, JC Weaver, JWC Dunlop & MN Dean (2017). Mechanical behavior of idealized, stingray-skeleton-inspired tiled composites as a function of geometry and material properties. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2017.
R Seidel, M Blumer, P Zaslansky, D Knötel, DR Huber, JC Weaver, P Fratzl, S Omelon, L Bertinetti, MN Dean (2017). Ultrastructural, material and crystallographic description of endophytic masses – a possible damage response in shark and ray tessellated calcified cartilage.
Journal of Structural Biology 198.1 (2017): 5-18.
R Seidel, K Lyons, D Knötel, D Baum, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2016). Ultrastructural and developmental features of the tessellated endoskeleton of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays).
Journal of Anatomy 229.5: 681-702.
R Seidel
& C Lüter (2014). Overcoming the fragility – X-ray computed micro-tomography elucidates brachiopod endoskeletons.
Frontiers in Zoology 09/2014; 11(65):1-15.
A Kaulfuß, R Seidel, C Lüter (2013). Linking Micromorphism, Brooding, and Hermaphroditism in Brachiopods: Insights from caribbean Argyrotheca (Brachiopoda).
Journal of Morphology 04/2013; 274(4):361-376.
R Seidel, J Hoffmann, A Kaulfuß and C Lüter (
Comparative histology of larval brooding in Thecideoidea (Brachiopoda). Zoologischer Anzeiger – A Journal of Comparative Zoology 11/2012; 251(4):288-296.
Scientific talks (presented*)
MN Dean*, M Blumer, E Gualda, J Chaumel, R Seidel, M Marsal & S Omelon (2020) Cartilage canals in ray skeletons: Morphology, homology and putative role in mineralization. SICB Annual Meeting 2020, January 3-7, 2020, Austin, TX.
R Seidel*, M Blumer, C Underwood, S Amini, MN Dean (2019). Sustained function despite constant wear – structural and mechanical reinforcements of the tooth plates in chimaeroid fish (Holocephali). 112th Annual meeting of the DZG, Jena, Germany.
R Seidel(May 2019). Multiscale analysis of the siliceous skeletons of marine sponges.
Invited talk at the Center for Regenarative Therapies Dresden.
R Seidel*, M Blumer, D Knötel, P Fratzl, J Weaver, D Baum, M Dean (2018). A peculiar vertebrate skeleton – an ultrastructural survey of the cartilaginous endoskeleton in sharks and rays. German Zoological Society meeting (DZG). September 11-14, Greifswald, Germany.
R Seidel
(2017). The Endoskeleton of sharks and rays. Annual ‘Biomaterials’ Department retreat. Tabarz, Germany.
MN Dean*, R Seidel, A Jayasankar, M Blumer, A Hosny, JC Weaver, D Knoetel, D Baum, P Fratzl (2017). Development, ultrastructure and mechanics of shark and ray tessellated cartilage, Nature’s curious alternative to bone. Symposium: FishBone - Advancing the Use of Fish for Skeletal Research. European Calcified Tissue Society. Salzburg, Austria.
MN Dean*, A Hosny, D Knoetel, R Seidel, AM Luger, D Wainwright, D Blumer, D Baum (2017). Bricks and anchors: strategies for load bearing and muscle attachment in the cartilage skeletons of sharks and rays. Annual Meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB), 4-8th January 2017, New Orleans, USA.
R Seidel, A Hosny, JC Weaver*, D Adriaens, MM Porter, MN Dean (2016). From physical to digital and back: How 3d modelling and additive manufacturing reveal nature's design rules. 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. 29 June – 3 July 2016, Washington DC, USA.
ME Porter*, DR Huber, R Seidel, J Ford, S Decker, MN Dean (2016). How's your apatite?: Structure and mechanics of elasmobranch skeletal tissues. 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. 29. June – 3 July 2016, Washington DC, USA.
R Seidel*, D Knötel, D Baum, M Blumer, P Fratzl, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2016). Development and ultrastructure of the tessellated endoskeleton in sharks and rays.
EURO Bio-inspired Materials 2016. 22-25 February, Kongresshotel Potsdam, Germany.
R Seidel*, D Knötel, D Baum, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2015). Distilling principal relationships of 3D tiling arrangements in growing mineralized elasmobranch cartilage. Tomography for Scientific Advancement symposium (ToScA). 3-4 September, University of Manchester, UK.
M Blumer, R Seidel, E-J Pechriggl, K Lyons, MN Dean* (2015). Cartilage or bone? Collagens in ”cartilaginous” fish skeletons answer an old question. 4th Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology (IAFSB), Tavira, Portugal, 2015.
R Seidel, D Knötel, M Schotte, D Baum, D Huber, M Blumer, L Li, JC Weaver, MN Dean* (2015). Interdisciplinary approaches to skeletal biology and mechanics: Design lessons from shark skeletons. Integrative Elasmobranch Biology symposium, American Elasmobranch Society annual meeting. 15-19 July Reno, NV.
R Seidel, D Knötel, M Schotte, D Baum, D Huber, M Blumer, L Li, JC Weaver, MN Dean* (2015). Ontogeny, ultrastructure and mechanics of shark and ray tessellated cartilage. International Symposium on Paleohistology. 2-5 July, Bonn, Germany.
M Blumer, R Seidel, E-J Pechriggl, K Lyons, MN Dean* (2015). Cartilage or bone? Collagens in “cartilaginous” fish skeletons answer an old question. Chondrichthyan Skeletal Biology and Evolution Symposium, 4th Biennial Work shop on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology. 27-30 April, Tavira, Portugal.
C Lüter* & R Seidel
(2015). Peeping through a bivalved shield – non-destructive X-ray microcomputed tomography (µCT) elucidates brachiopods internal anatomy. 7th International Brachiopod Conference, Nanjing, China (2015).
R Seidel
(2014). Development and ultrastructure of tessellated cartilaginous fish skeleton. Ring seminar at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department Biomaterials, Potsdam-Golm,Germany (12/2014).
R Seidel
& M Dean (2014). Hyaline cartilage as a primary endoskeletal material in sharks and rays. Invited talk. Hanusch-Hospital, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Osteology, Vienna, Austria, (5/2014).
R Seidel
& C Lüter (2012).
3D reconstruction of brachiopod shells using non- invasive micro-computed tomography (μCT). Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft Jahrestagung 2012, Konstanz, Deutschland.
Scientific posters (presented*)
R Seidel, J Chaumel, A Herbert, I Moreno-Jimenez, A Summers, M Debiais-Thibaud, MN Dean* (2019). Mineralization in Chimaera Cartilage: Tessellated but not Tesserae? Annual Meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB), 3-7th January 2019, Tampa, USA.
MN Dean* & R Seidel
(2019). Multiscale structural reinforcement strategies in the tiled cartilage of sharks and rays. Annual meeting of the DZG 2019, Jena, Germany.
R Seidel, A Hosny, J Froland, D Knoetel, P Fratzl, JC Weaver, D Baum, MN Dean (2019). Quantitative shape analysis and mechanics of intertesseral joints in tessellated cartilage of sharks and rays. Imaging Technology Symposium at the Natural History Museum in Berlin, Germany.
R Seidel*, C Underwood, Z Johanson, MM Smith, MN Dean and S Amini (2018). Sustained function despite constant wear – structural and mechanical reinforcements of the tooth plates in chimaeroid fish (Holocephali). German Zoological Society meeting. September 11-14, Greifswald, Germany.
R Seidel, A Hosny, D Knötel, P Fratzl, D Baum, JC Weaver & MN Dean* (2017).
Quantitative shape analysis of intertesseral joints in tessellated calcified cartilage of sharks and rays (elasmobranchs). 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid & Nanomaterials. 6-10 March, Lisbon, Portugal.
A Hosny,
R Seidel, R Shahar, D Baum, MN Dean* (2017).
Biological strategies for load-sharing and damage avoidance: Lessons from stingray teeth. 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid & Nanomaterials. 6-10 March, Lisbon, Portugal.
R Seidel*, K Lyons, M Blumer, P Zaslansky, P Fratzl, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2017).
Ultrastructural and developmental features of the tessellated endoskeleton of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays). Annual Meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB), 4-8th January 2017, New Orleans, USA.
Dean MN*, A Hosny,
R Seidel, D Baum (2016).
Biological strategies for fatigue and wear avoidance: Lessons from stingray skeletons and teeth. 3rd International Conference on BioTribology. 11-14 September, Imperial College, London.
Dean MN*, A Hosny,
R Seidel, D Baum (2016).
Biological strategies for fatigue and wear avoidance: Lessons from stingray skeletons and teeth. Tomography for Scientific Advancement symposium (ToScA). 6-7 September, University of Bath, UK.
AK Jayasankar *, L Guiducci, ASF Hosny,
R Seidel, P Fratzl, J Dunlop, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2016).
Mechanical behavior of bioinspired tiled composites as a function of geometry and material properties. Alumni Meeting at the Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, 27 May 2016.
D Knötel,
R Seidel, A Hosny, JC Weaver, D Baum, MN Dean (2016).
Understanding the Tiling Rules of the Tessellated Mineralized Endoskeleton of Sharks and Rays. EURO Bio-inspired Materials 2016. 22-25 February, Kongresshotel Potsdam, Germany.
AK Jayasankar*, L Guiducci, A Hosny, R Seidel, P Fratzl, J Dunlop, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2016). Mechanical behavior of bioinspired tiled composites as a function of geometry and material properties. EURO Bio-inspired Materials 2016. 22-25 February, Kongresshotel Potsdam, Germany.
D Knötel*,
R Seidel, JC Weaver, D Baum, MN Dean (2015).
Segmentation of the Tessellated Mineralized Endoskeleton of Sharks and Rays.
Tomography for Scientific Advancement symposium (ToScA). 3-4 September, University of Manchester, UK.
R Seidel, D Knötel, D Baum, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2015).
Development and ultrastructure of the tessellated mineralized endoskeleton of sharks and rays. 4th Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology (IAFSB), Tavira, Portugal, 2015.
R Seidel, AM Luger, D Knötel, M Schotte, D Baum, M Blumer, L Li, ASF Hosny, JC Weaver & MN Dean* (2015).
Nature’s puncture resistant flexible composites: Design lessons from shark skeletons. HFSP Annual Awardees Meeting. 12-15 July, San Diego, CA, USA.
M Blumer, R Seidel, E-J Pechriggl, K Lyons, MN Dean* (2015). Cartilage or bone? Collagens in “cartilaginous” fish skeletons answer an old question. International Meeting on Craniocervical Systems in Vertebrates. 7-10 July, Ghent, Belgium.
M Blumer,
R Seidel, E-J Pechriggl, K Lyons, MN Dean* (2015).
Cartilage or bone? Collagens in “cartilaginous” fish skeletons answer an old question. American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting, 28 March-1 April, Boston, MA, USA.
R Seidel, D Knötel, D Baum, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2014).
Material and structural characterization of mineralized elasmobranch cartilage – lessons in repeated tiling patterns in mechanically loaded 3D objects. 2nd Tomography for Scientific Advancement symposium, NHM London, UK, 2014.
R Seidel, D Knötel, D Baum, JC Weaver, MN Dean (2014).
Material and structural characterization of mineralized elasmobranch cartilage – lessons in repeated tiling patterns in mechanically loaded 3D objects. 1st Digital Specimen 2014, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany 2014.
R Shrivastava*,
R Seidel, F Repp, P Kollmannsberger, P Zaslansky, M Dean (2013).
Morphology and distribution of interlacunar canals in elasmobranch mineralized cartilage. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Barcelona, Spain 2013.
R Seidel, J Hoffmann & C Lüter (2011).
Comparative histology of larval brooding in Thecideoidea (Brachiopoda). Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik Jahrestagung 2011, BioSystematics Berlin 2011.
R Seidel, J Hoffmann & C Lüter* (2010).
Comparative histology of larval brooding in Thecideoidea (Brachiopoda). 6th International Brachiopod Congress, Melbourne, Australia, February 2010.
Published abstracts
MN Dean*, M Blumer, E Gualda, J Chaumel, R Seidel, M Marsal & S Omelon (2020). Cartilage canals in ray skeletons: Morphology, homology and putative role in mineralization. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 60(suppl 1): e54.
R Seidel*, A Hosny, J Froland, D Knoetel, P Fratzl, JC Weaver, D Baum & MN Dean (2018). Quantitative shape analysis and mechanics of intertesseral joints in tessellated cartilage of sharks and rays. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 58(suppl 1): 58. (e418).
Blumer, M, R Seidel, E-J Pechriggl, K Lyons, MN Dean* (2015). Cartilage or bone? Collagens in “cartilaginous” fish skeletons answer an old question. FASEB Journal. 29(1 Suppl.): 702.9.