Dr. Ronald Seidel
. . .
Email : email –at–
web: ronaldseidel –dot– de
2022 - present
SBMI – Section Biomedical Imaging, Dept. Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), Campus Kiel &
MOIN CC – Molecular Imaging North Competence Center, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
2019 - 2021
B CUBE - Center for Molecular Bioengineering, Group: Chitin based biological materials and biomineralization, TU Dresden, 01307 Dresden, Germany.
2013 - 2018
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPI CI), Dept. of Biomaterials, 14424 Potsdam-Golm, Germany. (*currently with guest contract)
2007 - 2012
Museum of Natural History Berlin, Dept. of Marine Invertebrates, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Degrees and education
Post-doc at the B CUBE, Technical University Dresden.
What is a skeleton? – multi-scale studies of structure-function relationships in phosphatic, calcitic and glass skeletal architectures.
Post-doc at the MPI CI, Dept. Biomaterials.
'Biotools' in use – composition, architecture and strategies of biomineralized materials.
PhD at the MPI CI, Dept. Biomaterials.
Multi-scale, correlative structural and material characterization of the tiled skeletons of sharks and rays.
Research Fellow at the MPI CI, Dept. Biomaterials.
Analysis of skeletal morphological variation in sharks and rays with non-invase tomography.
Research fellow at the Museum of Natural History Berlin, Dept. Marine Invertebrates.
Study of brooding linked to skeletal morphology in Brachiopods.
M.Sc. Organismic Biology and Evolution, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany.
3D reconstruction of brachiopod shells using non-invasive micro-computed tomography.
B.Sc. Biology, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany.
A study of brooding in Thecideoidea (Brachiopoda).
Professional training: mediadesign for digital and print media,
Chamber of commerce and industry of Berlin & Frenzel Grafikdesign, Berlin, Germany.
Scientific interests & skills
• 3D object & 2D image data analysis (tools: Amira, ImageJ, Python)
• 3D modeling and printing (tools: SketchUp, Rhino, Simplify3D)
• Python for data analysis and presentation
• Diving and species characterization
• Biological sample management
• Micro-computed tomography
• Scanning electron microscopy
• Polarized light microscopy
• Science illustration
• Histology
Science field trips & external lab work
• ANATOMIX beamline, Soleil, France: nanoCT, absorption contrast tomography.
• DESY Synchrotron, Hamburg, D: absorption contrast tomography.
• Friday Harbor Labs, WA, USA: Sample collection and CT scanning.
• Medical University Innsbruck, AU: Sample preparation and Histology.
• Manchester X-ray Imaging Facility (MXIF), UK: Mechanical testing and CT scanning.
• WYSS Institute at Harvard, MA, USA: SEM imaging and 3D printing.
• MNH Berlin, Germany: Research Vessel Sonne SO#208, east pacific, scientific staff.
• MNH Berlin, Germany: Research Vessel Sonne SO#199, Indian ocean, scientific staff. Contribution to science & outreach
• Exhibition panel at "Digital Week" and "Waterkant Exhibition" in Kiel, Germany
• Reviewing for Journal of Experimental Biology, Acta Biomaterialia, Archives of Oral Biology, Environmental Biology of Fishes etc.
• Showcase for MPI CI at the "Day of Science" Potsdam, Germany
• Presentation at –Knowledge Link through Art and Science– Potsdam, Germany.
• Showcase at "Perceived Contrast" visualization exhibit, Tulsa Living Arts, USA.
• Invited evaluator at "TECXTONICS" in Kunsthochschule Weißensee, Berlin, Germany.
• Video-Presentation at "+ultra" exhibition, Berlin, Germany.